Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dante's Inferno

Talk about originality. Dante's Inferno has taken some poems or a story by a poet (I don't know) and turned the poet into a warrior of whom fights his way through hell. In the game, Dante fights through the 8 (or 9) stages of hell in order to rescue his beloved. Each level of hell has its own unique look. Based on Ive seen, the gameplay and the cinamatics look amazing. This game is going to be one for the history books. We might see a new bench mark for story/adventure games in 2010.


Let me set the stage for you. Your an angel killing witch. Your no ordinary witch however. Your a sexy witch wearing a skin tight costume...made of your own hair. You have an arsenal of magical attacks to slay these demon angels in your path...based on your own hair. You ride motorcycles and jump around in a typical slasher game (from the creators of Devil May Cry) a suit of your own hair. This game is weird. Im not sure about the story yet but isn't it interesting enough already? I mean, come on! You fight using your hair! Apparently one of your big attacks is a giant steleto coming down from the heavens and crushing your opponent. Oh, did I mention its made of your HAIR!? WTF? I'll be renting this game to see what its all about next year.

Assassin's Creed 2

Now, now. Don't run for the hills. I know that when most people think of Assassin's Creed they think, "Well it was 'ok' but it was just so repetitive." Anyone to ever utter those words (aka anyone that played the game) would be correct in this statement. Have no fear, however. Assassin's Creed 2 is everything that the first game should be. Its all about switching things up. It is more of a story mode game now than a mission game. Also, the environment is drastically improved. Your taken back to the Italian Renaissance. Ubisoft recreated many of the real life places from the period and that still exist today. A lot of the game mechanics are also improved. You can swim! You would have thought that an expert assassin would know how to swim already... Anyway, the game is good but think twice about buying it if you like me and enjoy a good multiplayer experience for the multilplayer is still missing from this game (and rightfully so).

God of War III

o I just bought my first PS3. It was a "holiday bundle" so I got some games included with it. One of the games is the "God of War Collection." This game consists of the first 2 games in the series, "God of War" and "God of War II." I can tell you that already I am pumped for the third installment in the series and Ive only completed the first mission in the first game. Already, Ive torn hordes of monsters in half, seen some amazing cinematics for the games time, and Ive slain a gigantic, 3 headed, ocean dwelling serpent... All the while the game challenged me to get things right. You have to use your environment and your skill set to accomplish any task ahead of you. There is also a puzzle type of element to the game that makes even some of the simple tasks like balancing on a beam or defeating the larger enemies particularly challenging. Ive always knew that "God of War" was a good series but I'm glad I finally got my hands on it.

Modern Medal of Honor

Come on kids! Let's hop on the bandwagon! Even though they'll be labeled "copy cats" forever, I can't blame Medal of Honor for going "modern." The WWII market is tapped out. Though EA will have their work cut out for them considering the popularity of Modern Warfare 2. Even if they do "ok" then they should consider it a victory taking into account what they are up against. EA is up against the biggest entertainment release of all time. Probably game of the year material. As interested as I am to see what spins Medal of Honor throws at the FPS, "modern warfare" genre, Im skeptical considering their last release. Medal of Honor Airborne was a far cry from the series' glory days. I'll be impressed if they sell half as many copys as Modern Warfare 2 did in the first week.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Xbox 360 VS PS3

Ive always favored the 360 over the PS3 but after actually getting my hands on one earlier this year, I let up on the harsh remarks of which I slung at the PS3 in normal conversation. Its a good console. BluRay, free online via Playstation Network (PSN), descent variety of games, "Next-Generation" graphics, web browser, and all the other goodies such as music, video, pictures, etc. However, even though the PSN is free it still comes with a price. It lacks the quality that the Xbox LIVE online feature that the 360 has. For me, this is the PS3's greatest downfall for I am a heavy multiplayer gamer. Also, even though the PS3 has BluRay and other high quality features, you have to have an elite rig to use the PS3 to its full potential. You need a high quality, and expensive, TV and home theater system. There are some good games on the console though, games that you cant get on any other console.

Moreover, even though I still feel that the Xbox 360 still wins the console war with its unpresidented online feature alone, the PS3 has come a long way and is a respectable console.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Horde (shirt)

I'm pride myself on being a regular at Everything I see on threadless is awesome. Everything is either very clever, fun, funny, or extremely creative. Of all of the clothing sites Ive seen on the web, threadless is the best. Plus, I'm supporting artists in buying from threadless, instead of buying from a big franchise store.

Im a zombie fan. You may have seen my blog on Left 4 Dead 2. I love the Left 4 Dead games. I love zombie movies (even though I'm not a huge gore/horror fan and I am buy no means zombie movie buff). In fact, my co-workers and I have a huge plan how we could defend ourselves using everything in the carwash that I work at during a zombie apocalypse. So, when you put that together and through in my love for shirts, you have this little gem.

I love this shirt. Mine is in the mail on the way to my house as I type. I think its so creative how they used the focal point of the light and how the zombies themselves are a degradation across the shirt. It sort of somes up everything zombies. One or a small number of people against a massive amount of zombies. Exemplary!