Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Phantom Bike


Everybody wishes they could be invisible at one time or another. For some, riding the Phantom Bike is as close as they will get (unless your a ninja). This bike strikes me as being very cool and modern (and if you can't tell by reading my blogs by now, I love modern) but it doesn't seem very practical. It looks very hard to ride. However, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't buy one.

LED Mirror


Well, we have TVs in our kitchens, screens on our refrigerators, computers in more than one room in our houses, and portable devices to connect from anywhere we go. Where is a common place that we may not have entertainment...? THE BATHROOM! That's where the LED Mirror comes in. Ladys; bored doing your make up every day? WATCH TV! Guys; bored shaving everday? WATCH TV! Tired of doing your 'business' in silence? WATCH TV! You could buy a TV and put it in your bathroom, but who has room for that? Just get new mirror. Pretty cool.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A WIRELESS recharge mat


Could it get any easier than this? Imagine. Instead of having countless wires running along the walls of your home to charge your electronic devices, you have a single ultra-thin mat that charges your devices simply by touch. Even though Duricell only has a few devices that work with the charger, this product at least tells us that it is possible to charge devices wirelessley. This product is yet another way technology is simplifying our lives. Very cool.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Electric Motorcycle


As it says in the article, everyone knows that motorcycles are cool, but electric motorcycles are even cooler. The Brammo Enertia Electric (BEE) is a motorcycle that runs on 6 lithium phosphate batteries and can go up to 50mph, with zero (thats right, 0) emissions.

If your like me, when you see someone riding an electric or even a gas scooter, part of you says, "Good for them. They are saving money and the environment at the same time." and the other part of you says, "Man, they look really lame on that scooter." I think the BEE is going to start a change. This bike is a step in the right direction for people that want to do the right thing when it comes to transportation and the environment and for the people that want to look good doing it. Sweeet.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stumble Upon

One of the best suppliers for my blogs in my 'Electronic Design Journal' or 'EDJ,' is Stumble Upon (SU). Again, SU did not disappoint. However, I didn't use its features to find something to blog about. It is SU itself that is the focus of this blog.

SU is basically a 'not-so-random' website generator or finder. When you create an account with SU, you choose between hundreds of preferences or 'things you are interested in' or 'things that you like.' After doing that, you can Stumble. When you Stumble, SU will take you to a website that you may or may not have heard of that is based on something you told SU that you like. After checking out that website, you can 'like' or 'not like' that webpage. Through, 'likeing' and 'not liking' site after site, SU learns what you like and it will more easily find sites that it thinks that you will like.

This to me is the ultimate tool to a 'web browser' (as in someone who browses the web). SU will feed you site after site of which most I have never seen before. SU also may not simply just give you a site but it might be just a picture or a video from a site that you have seen or heard of but the pic or vid you may have not. Crazy.

Limited Edition Modern Warfare 2 Xbox 360 Console


As mentioned in one of my earlier blogs, I love everything 'modern.' That statement goes two ways; 1. I love modern designs, from houses to furniture. 2. I love the highly anticipated sequel to my favorite video game of all time Call of Duty: Modern Warfare; Modern Warfare 2.

That being said, there should be no surprise that I am interested in this new Modern Warfare 2 accessory. Infinity Ward mentioned there would be a Limited Edition Modern Warfare 2 controller for the Xbox 360, but some how I didn't see this coming. The design of the console is from Infinity Ward themselves and I think they got it right. They captured the 'modern, militiary, technological' style that the game encompasses. I might buy this even with the high price tag. You get a lot for your money. Pretty sweet.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Playstion 3: Before and After

Before: http://images.chron.com/blogs/gamehacks/playstation-3.jpg

After: http://www.highsnobiety.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Sony-PlayStation-3-Slim-540x360.jpg

Even though I am a huge Xbox 360 fan, after actually getting my hands on a PS3, I do respect the PS3 as a console (the PSN (playstation network) is a different story). Other than poor online capabilities, the PS3 has actually been a great system. The only other thing Sony could've made better was the way it looks and the price. They did improved both of those things. The PS3 Slim is now available for $300 as opposed to the previous $400 price tag.

More importantly (for this blog at least) is the design change. Sony replaced the glossy, often smudgy, finish with a matte finish which is great. They took away the big, silver, lame, 'spider man' letters and put what should've branded on the original console, "PS3." Finally, most obviously, they made the damn thing smaller. The original PS3 was massive. The 'hump' seems to be less severe, and the length and width are both smaller. And in this day and age, when it comes to electronics, smaller is better.

Architectural Design


As you will come to find, I am all about 'modern.' From gadgets to fashion; if it's modern, I'll probably find it aesthetically pleasing. One huge area where my eyes fancy modern design is architecture. I love housing and furniture that feels modern. Whether it be hard straight lines or smooth throwback curves, modern+architecture=good.

This house, built in Denmark, is beautiful. The contrasting dark outside surprisingly goes well with the defining white inside. The windows are large and almost seemingly out of place but then you look again and you wouldn't have them any other way. I think I like modern dwellings like this because of how different they are. Try to find another house like this...

Monday, September 7, 2009

One of the coolest watches Ive ever seen.


About 1/3 down the page of 15 Incredible Conceptual Designs, I found one of the coolest looking watches Ive ever seen. Its modern but combines a futuristic look with one of the most basic of time-tellers; the sand/hour glass. I couldn't imagine the face I would make if I asked someone for the time and they showed me something like that. I would wear that watch.

The coolest table Ive ever seen.


About 1/4 of the way down the page of 15 Incredible Conceptual Designs, is a table which looks like it is formed out of blood. It is by far the coolest table I have ever seen. I love things of that nature. Its modern. Its dark. Its so cool. I assume that it wasn't ever made because of durability issues. It does look fragile but made out of the right material, I think it would last. Besides, who would f with a table seemingly bleeding on the floor?

Upside-down power stip by Power Bridge


As if anything bad could come from engadget.com, what better a source to find some killer designs for killer tech. I 'stumbled upon' this gem and instantly wanted one. The headline says it all;

Power Bridge flips the strip upside-down, instantly kills ugly

Much like lab #2, this design change to a traditional power outlet drastically changes the emphasis. A power strip goes from something that is either tucked away. unnoticed, or unfortunatley noticed. Flip the damn thing upside down and its something you want to show off to your friends. Im getting one.

"http://www.jdesign.net.au/" website critique

I came across this website from the website where I found the website that was the focus of my last blog entry. This one, though I can read, did not really get into much but like the last website I feel it has a lot of potential for other purposes. The website is http://www.jdesign.net.au/
When I saw this site, I thought it would make a really cool, interactive 'photo upload/holder' site like photobucket. Users could create a free account, upload their photos, post them on other sites, and all the while be able to browse them in a 'panning wall of photos.'
Amidst writing this blog entry, I thought of a totally (from what I know of) original site that a design like this could be used. Imagine opening your browser and seeing a homepage. You can stay logged in to this homepage and when you open your browser, you see your local weather, your emails, some of the 'latest news stories,' and last but not least a 'panning wall of all of your favorite/latest website icons.' Awesome.

"http://alexarts.ru/" website critique

So, I was on the ol' Stumble Upon (of which is a Firefox 'add on' of which anyone would be crazy not to have) and I came across a site that displayed and had links to a bunch of others sites. I cam across http://alexarts.ru/
Though I cannot read the language on this site and nor do I have any idea what it is about, I still find it intriguing and recognize its potential. For all I know, its a great site already, but I think It would make a great idea as and advertisement or tour guide for a city/town. I always see commercials for other states like California or Colorado which though nice, are missing something I feel is an essential part of an advetisment...INTERACTIVITY!
How cool would it be to be 'googleing' something and come across a website for a state that your interested in traveling to and when you got to the site you could take a virtual tour around the capitol or larger areas of that state/city/town and not only get info on the best attractions like restaurants, entertainment places, hotels, etc. but to also actually see the areas? Very cool, thats how cool.